BlueVia Voice RESTful API

The BlueVia Voice RESTful API provides two simple methods to manage calls made from your BlueVia Voice Numbers. The API allows you to:

  1. Create a call and
  2. Modify an existing call

Create a call

A call comprises one-to-many call legs, where a call leg is a connection between your BlueVia Voice Number and your Customer. Creating a call creates the first call leg and allows you to engage with the connected customer.

The following diagram highlights a call consisting of one-to-many call legs

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Modify an existing call

Modifying an existing call allows you to send commands to a call or to specific legs within a call. When you modify a call you do so by specifying a URL to the BlueVia Voice Call Control Commands or alternatively by providing the call control commands within the modify call RESTful API request. Modifying a call allows you to add further call participants, specify specific call legs to record, request DTMF input from a Customer on a call etc… Further details of how you can manage your calls can be seen in the BlueVia RESTful API Reference documentation.